Reptiles and health care
What is it that's driving people to vandalize the offices of Democratic lawmakers who support the president's health care proposal? What's driving people to threaten lawmakers who support the bill?
What would make someone so angry they would vandalize someone's office or send a threatening message? What does it tell you when the vandals are bringing back Barry Goldwater's infamous and discredited statement that "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice."
Is it that darn reptile brain acting up again? Is it fear that incites these violent acts? Fear of what?
There are millions of people in this country that don't have health insurance. If you work for yourself you know how expensive coverage can be. Has heath care coverage become a game of the "haves" and the "have-nots?" Is this where we draw a line?
Is it the fear that if Joe Blow, or Jose Blow or Joey X has access to the same health coverage that you have that you are no longer "better" than them?
Poor Southern whites were persuaded to fight for the slave owners in the Civil War -- even though the plantation system exploited them, too. Workers have been persuaded to fight against the unions -- even though the interests of the factory owners were opposed to those of the workers. Divide and conquer has always been the mantra of those in power, but when you break it down, even a reptile brain can see that it makes no sense.
Weekend Roundup
- *Jonathan Gienapp* continues his engagement with "original public
meaning" originalists. "[O]riginalists assume that historians’ primary
2 hours ago
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