Now, we know why Nancy Garrido appears to be out of her mind, and acts like she's born stupid; Creepy Phillip Garrido plied her with methanphetemine-SPEED! The problem with Nancy is that probably her Jehovah's Witness religion teachers her to be loyal to her husband, like being "honorable" to her father. The problem is that corporal punishment is encouraged in that religion, and by the time the woman is married, she is like sheep in Communist Cuba.
The problem with Nancy is that she has "diminished capacity" which is not a legal defense in California, but after smoking all that speed, kissing Phil's ass-no matter what, estranging yourself from your own family, not calling the police when you're supposed to, being obedient and compliant sheep, etc., you will win no points with the Jury, and that's something Gilbert Maines should have been telling Nancy about it, and NOT go to country clubs, and tell everybody that he wants to write a book about the case.
The perscription for Nancy is to cooperate with prosecutors, plead guilty, and to testify against Phillip Garrido. Nancy needs a competent lawyer to guide her towards a lesser sentence, since not only she didn't call the police, but she was seen with the stun gun taking Jaycee away, and putting her in Phil's station wagon as Phil and Nancy took Jaycee against her will, while Jaycee's stepfather was riding his bicycle trying to catch up with them. Nancy needs a real lawyer, not a money-grubbing book weasel.
Weekend Roundup
- *Jonathan Gienapp* continues his engagement with "original public
meaning" originalists. "[O]riginalists assume that historians’ primary
1 hour ago
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