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We now have the case of Joshua and Susan Powell. Like Scott Peterson and Mark Hacking, Joshua Powell is reported to have a problem with women. Instead of treating the wife as an equal, he wanted to CONTROL the wife, make the wife DO AS HE PLEASES.
Adult women are NOT children, NOT slaves, NOT "cooks an 'hoes". A female gave birth to the man. Women should be respected, NOT treated as beasts of burden.
Joshua's actions have nothing to do with Mormonism. The penalty for abuse, spousal, child, and otherwise, is "amen to the priesthood or authority of that man", probably to include disfellowshipment or excommunication. Unfortunately, he was probably absent from Sunday School when this was taught. He hasn't attended to his meetings either.
Mark Hacking was also a slacker. He came home from his Mission early, because he was in a relationship with a convert. He also lied to his wife, and everybody else, by saying he was in Medical School at the University of Utah. When his wife Lori, who was also barely pregnant with child was desperately trying to call the University of Norh Carolina to check on living arrangements, they told Lori that he was not a student at the University of Norh Carolina, and that he never graduated from anywhere. What Mark was trying to do was move to North Carolina, and smoke, drink, and live the "Southern high life". When Lori found out that the last four years was a lie, all of Mark's "dreams" fell apart, and he later shot Lori to death and dumped her body in the dumpster.
Joshua Powell probably moved to Utah to live lazily. He wasn't a stalwart, and didn't care about keeping the commandments. He just wanted to live the life his way like any sociopath, that is do anything at any time, without giving a damn for what is right or for the concerns of others.
Hacking is waiting about 30 years for a parole date.
Peterson is on San Quentin's Death Row; his Appeal with California Supreme Court is still pending. It is very doubtful that his conviction and death sentence would be overturned.
Instead of hidng behind a lawyer, Powell should either be candid or fess up. Otherwise, as Betty Davis would say, "we're all going to be in for a bumpy ride".
Testimony has now concluded in the Mitchell case. The Federal Court in Salt Lake City won't come to a decision until February 2010.
The problem is that Mitchell's psychiatrists keep saying that he is incompetent, delusional, and schizophrenic. The other problem is that Mitchell planned the kidnapping, but also concealed Elizabeth Smart's whereabouts to prevent her from being rescued, and to prevent Mitchell and Wanda Barzee from being caught.
This belies Mitchell's claim of incompetence. The reason why Mitchell wants to go back to Utah State Hospital and get "cured" is because if Mitchell was declared competent,Mitchell would be afraid that he would be killed in Utah State Prison, but that's not where Mitchell would go. The likely place would be Leavenworth Federal Penetentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas. However, there's more than one medium or maximum security prisons in the Federal Prison System, and he might be afforded segregation facilities, because he is low on the "prison food chain". That means if you are a baby killer/child molester, an ex-cop, a snitch, a famous celebrity, or even just plain Gay, you would be likely raped and/or killed.
It is something Mitchell should have thought before kidnapping Elizabeth in the first place, but I think even Shirl Mitchell, his father, is hiding something. He introduced Mitchell to pornography at age eight, but I think Shirl molested Brian when he was a little kid.
Hell shit! Pedophilia is learned. Mitchell's behavior on inflicting pain on his own kids, and in the nine months he kidnapped Elizabeth is not a product of any mental illness. It's genesis is the same for physical abusers; "abuse begats abuse".
Shirl may be the only culprit, and/or somebody else also may have touched Brian. It could have been another relative, a Priesthood leader, and/or a teacher. The problem is that PEDOPHILIA IS LEARNED. It is impossible for Mitchell to have his brain tell him to kidnap a girl at knifepoint, and then rape her 3-4 times a day unless Mitchell's behavior comes from prior experiences.
Mitchell's behavior has nothing to do with Mormonism. However, when the Church sent missionaries to Germany and Scandanavia (sic) as early as 1850, it was very possible without the Church's knowledge that some of its converts came from families that had centuries of incestuous interbreeding, mostly to keep the money in the family. When they emigrated to America, it didn't stop at Ellis Island or the Salt Lake Valley.
Before the McMartin Case in 1982, unless somebody seen the culprit molest their own kid, or the culprit molested somebody else's kid, the culprit would probably be lynched first. Otherwise, the Judges and juries wouldn't believe the child victim over the parent or even the Catholic Priest, because child victims were treated like adult witnesses. If the kid got nervous, he or she would be discredited, because he or she was made into an instant adult, and revictimized all over again. Despite the fact that nobody was convicted in the McMartin Case, child molesters were finally treated like the bogeymen that they are.
The problem is that the McMartin Case didn't stop the molestors, and it also didn't stop them from killing their victims as well. Samantha Runyon was kidnapped, raped, and murdered yearts ago by a molester, who months earlier was found not guilty of molesting another young girl. Then there are adult rapists who are recidivists, like Richard Allen Davis, who killed Polly Klass. The problem is that pedophiles and murderers come from dysfunctional families whose parents should have been in jail, and have the keys thrown away a long time ago.
To prevent further generations of victims, we need to throw Mitchell in the Federal Prison, and throw away the key. This case is also relevant to the Garrido case, since Phillip Garrido wants to make the case for his "heartwarming" story when Garrido has a history of sexual abuse, but hides "behind God" to excuse his behavior. Garrido's acts are like Mitchell's times 24. If Mitchell does succeed in being found "incompetent" again, Garrido will also claim that's he incompetent as well. The thing that will shock anyone is Garrido made several plans, and said several lies that he "Elizabeth Smarted" the entire Parole Division of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. I think somebody in the Garrido Famiy should also answer fr what they have done to Phillip Garrido.
I am still single, and I have no girlfriend yet, but if I am married, I would name my eldest daughter after Anne Frank and Anna Maria Alberghetti. I have a Jewish great-grandmother on dad's side, and an Italian grandfather on my mom's side.
The thing about Anne Frank is that if it wasn't for World War II and the Holocaust, she was a modern thinking woman. It was probably those first six or seven years in the Montesorri School in Amsterdam that taught her and her classmates on how to think for yourself. A subject not taught in American schools. She was not shy and timid, and if she had ever emigrated to America, she probably would have been a feminist. Because of her upbringing, she probably would have been Otto, Jr., if she was a boy. I don't want a daughter that's docile, and would be a kiss-ass to her husband after she's married. I know, because I had two sisters that were abused wives, and they should have balls like Barbra Streisand.
Also, has anyone heard Anna Maria Alberghetti sing? All the more reasons why I would name my first-born daughter after these two great people.
Now, we know why Nancy Garrido appears to be out of her mind, and acts like she's born stupid; Creepy Phillip Garrido plied her with methanphetemine-SPEED! The problem with Nancy is that probably her Jehovah's Witness religion teachers her to be loyal to her husband, like being "honorable" to her father. The problem is that corporal punishment is encouraged in that religion, and by the time the woman is married, she is like sheep in Communist Cuba.
The problem with Nancy is that she has "diminished capacity" which is not a legal defense in California, but after smoking all that speed, kissing Phil's ass-no matter what, estranging yourself from your own family, not calling the police when you're supposed to, being obedient and compliant sheep, etc., you will win no points with the Jury, and that's something Gilbert Maines should have been telling Nancy about it, and NOT go to country clubs, and tell everybody that he wants to write a book about the case.
The perscription for Nancy is to cooperate with prosecutors, plead guilty, and to testify against Phillip Garrido. Nancy needs a competent lawyer to guide her towards a lesser sentence, since not only she didn't call the police, but she was seen with the stun gun taking Jaycee away, and putting her in Phil's station wagon as Phil and Nancy took Jaycee against her will, while Jaycee's stepfather was riding his bicycle trying to catch up with them. Nancy needs a real lawyer, not a money-grubbing book weasel.
After Brian Mitchell was arrested for kidnapping Elizabeth Smart, Mitchell told detectives that Elizabeth could "simply leave".
If that is true, then you have to believe in the following:
1. I am Anne Frank.
2. The British Parliament can change the Sun and te Moon.
3. Santa Claus will give me a big screen HD TV.
4. Mussolini is an honest man.
5. John McCain was treated well by the North Vietnamese.
6. Sarah Palin would accept the Nobel Prize for Physics.
7. Charlie Weis was rehired as the Notre Dame football coach.
8. The Geico Caveman will eat the Geico Gecko for dinner.
To recount Elizabeth's testimony, she was chained at the ankles, and was raped three to four times a day each day. If she called for help, especially when people were looking for. Mitchell promised to kill her and her family.
Mitchell's "free to leave" statement is 100% incredible. Mitchell not only planned her captivity, but also was very possessive. It is impossible for Mitchell to be declared "incompetent".
Pedophiles act in a predator fashion. They always have an excuse, and anybody who the pedophile preceives as weak, he will dehumanize the victim as though he or she is an object. That is also why some child victims are killed, because they are objects to be lusted for.
Mitchell's bad behavior started when he was exposed to pornography, and that he was possibly molested by somebody as well. Mitchell's behavior is learned, and not a product of a nonexistent "rare delousional disorder". Mitchell should be tried for the rest of his life.