Fox News is a media center for conservative politics. "Content Directives"? Did I ever learn that at Mt. SUC? The term did not even exist between 1983-1986.
The reason why I mention this is because CNN Headline News' Nancy Grace wanted everybody to believe that Casey Anthony was guilty as sin, and I still believe that Casey killed her daughter. However, Grace whipped up this fantasy that Casey was the culprit, and like Scott Peterson, Casey couldn't shut the holy fuck up, and even in Jail! What was not on any news network and station (except Democracy Now!, and Pacifica Radio who had real news stories to actually cover) was that the State of Florida (the Deputies Attorney General responsible for prosecuting this "mother") had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey killed her two year old daughter. We can blame the Jury, the Defense attorneys, etc., but like Gilbert Garcetti, Tom Sneddon, and all other overzealous D. A.'s that believe that bad publicity equals guilty verdicts, they will not win guilty verdicts before ANY jury.
What does this say? There's no such thing as a "liberal media" They didn't show that there were "holes" in the prosecution, or the other "what if's". They, all headed by Grace (as if grace existed as all) painted Casey as a drugged-out PAH-TY girl who didn't care about her missing and dead daughter. Let's face it. If having "bad judgment", sitting alone was a felony, then Casey is so fucking guilty as hell. The "bad judgment" motive only proved just that. The Jury didn't believe that Casey was responsible for murder. If the media is to perform a public service, all avenues should have been aired, but the media has stooped to the level of the Star and the National Enquier. If this is what we expect from the media, then the blind, dumb, and stupid would elect the likes of Palincunt and Bitchmann for President, because people are stupid. These people will believe everything in print or on TV, because "they wouldn't print it (or air it) if it wasn't true." Sorry, MY KIDS WON'T BE RAISED TO BE STUPID!!! HELLO?!!!
I want everybody to read Amy Goodman's "Exceptions to the Rulers", because it's time to grow a brain (and a pair), and find out the opposite of whatever Paul Harvey never said. Electric Chair or not, Casey Anthony is destroyed. It's time for the public to understand "reasonable doubt", and that the Constitution exists to PROTECT ALL, not just the vile.
Weekend Roundup
- *Jonathan Gienapp* continues his engagement with "original public
meaning" originalists. "[O]riginalists assume that historians’ primary
2 hours ago
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