
A call to action

A call to action
If you don't like the picture, BITE ME!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Heard about this "heartwarming" story?

Yeah, and I'm Anne Frank!

I'm actually not, but one would have to be in Arrowhead Hospital's Ward B, or an inmate at Atascadero, Metropolitan, or Patton State Hospital to believe (if there's ever any truth to a sicko's story) in Phillip Garrido's story.

Garrido is trying to justify these facts and assumptions that:

1. He and his wife Nancy kidnapped Jaycee from her parents.
2. He twice raped Jaycee twice, at least, and fathered her two children.
3. He brainwashed Jaycee with lies, such as "don't tell or we'll kill you" or "your parents", and "your parents don't love you anymore, or else they would have came and got you."
4. Nancy Garrido didn't pick up the phone, call the Police, and did anything to protect Jaycee and her two children.
5. His thinking that if he can keep Jaycee and her kids in seclusion, the Police and parole officers won't come after him.

Phillip Garrido is Satan, the Devil, and definitely a MASTER MANIPULATOR. A person with such plans and crimes that he committed certainly can't be considered "insane" under California law. 

Garrido probably told Jaycee, "your parents don't love you anymore, or else they would have came and got you", because "your parents aren't looking for you."

Let's see, Jaycee's stepdad was chasing the getaway car on his mountain bike in 1991. Jaycee should be eventually told that the Police was looking for her, and that the entire City of South Lake Tahoe wanted her back alive. In fact, some places in that City built "memorials" to Jaycee, because a lot of people thought she was dead.

I don't think that Phillip and Nancy Garrido are the only ones at fault. 

There's the State and Federal Parole Officers. They could have barged in and found Jaycee long before she became pregnant.

There was the Sheriff's Deputies; they could have ran a rap sheet on Phillip Garrido, and found out he's on Parole, and barged right in. No Judge's signature was needed to search.

There was code enforcement officers. They could have interviewed the neighbors. Nobody lives in tents 24/7, unless they live in the middle of Africa. HELLO?!!!

This guy ain't going to be freed for quite some time. He faces 29 counts, including kidnapping, rape, and child molestation. As a Parole violation, he may be a prisoner of the Federal Bureau of Prisons for the next 40 years. He could have also molested Jaycee's children as well. Because of these charges, it is very risky to release them to the General Population; they'll die before Trial. I went to Garrido's Blog, and I wanted harm done. Child molestors should be put on notice that they will be in the same situation as the Garridos if they continue their behavior. There is nothing "heartwarming" about molesting a child. In the old days, they not only hung you by the neck, but they cut your stomach open, and let the intestines fall out of your body. I don't believe in vigilante justice, but the General Population does. After what he did, he won't be out, unless he's in a pine box.



 [This originally supposed to be a post for a Blog that would have been entitled "BLOGGING THE THIRD NUT! (OW!)", but I also used to call for the recall of Gov. Schwarzeneggar, but that's too late. I was going to post a Blog solely about Joseph Edward Duncan III, but I did not have any time in 2005, plus he did not return to Indio, California until this year. Because I am starting a generalized blog, I'll post what would have been my first post on what was "BLOGGING THE THIRD NUT! (OW!)"]

I am writing this Post, offline for now, but will be published soon, because I am sick of how some people in society are. I do not blame everybody, but I do blame those who refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
I name this post, Blog the Third Nut, because every man has two testicles. If one was actually born with “third ball”, or “third nut”, it is totally a useless piece of an organ that does not belong on the male body.
Those with a “third nut” are the people that are “a brick short of a load”, “not all there”, an “insane asylum inmate”, etc. These are people who you can’t get along with because either God allowed them to be born that way (but not to do evil, if you can help it), or your mommy took drugs that affected you in utero, or you engaged in behavior because Dad, Grandpaw, and/or Uncle So-and-So beat the shit out of you and/or raped you.
Speaking of Third Nuts, yes, I could have made a Blog on nutty people, like actor Billy Bob Thorton. Hell, he’s a likable guy. He may have gone nuts, because he was once married to Angelina Jolie, so I feel sorry for him, as well as for Brad Pitt, and Jennifer Aniston. Hell, Jolie is not the first Hollywood slut to break up a marriage. Ask Debbie Reynolds. Liz Taylor broke up her marriage to Eddie Fisher, and she got married about eight times. This Blog is not about the celebrity nuts everyday, but they’re out there. 
This Post is in response to Blogging the Fifth Nail, a website posted by child molester, and murderer Joseph Edward Duncan III, an asshole, child molester, and murderer.
In the Riverside Press-Enterprise (August 4, 2005), it mentions that “When he was a teenager, Duncan’s father and mother divorced after a tumultuous that included fighting, incest, and infidelity…”
I don’t give a flying fuck how many times Junior used Joe III as “free pussy”. Because one was raped and molested as a little boy or girl does NOT, AND I REPEAT, NOT give that victim to be a molestor, rapist, and murderer.
I’ll give you a hyphenated word, “self-control”. One who doesn’t use self-control gets his dues by being called a pussy, because that’s what you are. (It also does not mean if you’re a woman, you can’t have self-control; every human being has that power.)
I do not have time to decipher tonight everything what “Happy Joe” scribbled on his Blog, but I will quote what he said that was repeated in the Press-Enterprise:
I HAVE been asking God to help defeat the demons. In fact, last night I was on my knees begging him, crying out loud to him, to help me. He didn’t answer again. The problem is I am loosing (sic) my religion…”
            He “lost” his religion by killing his first human being. His first murder may have been in Beaumont, California. The child was:
            This Post was developed because I heard on Nancy Grace one night in 2005 that this Shitty Joe kidnapped and killed Anthony. He was taken, because Shitty Joe was aiming for Anthony’s younger brother and sister. Anthony got in the middle by trying to stop it, but Shitty Joe took Anthony to “exact anger”.
            Why was Shitty Joe in Beaumont? Well, Junior was living in Highland, Northeast of San Bernardino, California. He pissed off his parole officer, anyway, so he was in hiding all of this time. The problem with why they did not find Shitty Joe in 1997? He was caught at his half-sister’s house in Missouri! I don’t understand why suspect’s fingerprints are not in a nationwide bank so that cops can prepare notes as to who is involved in what.
            Because Shitty Joe was not caught in time, and thanks to two Minnesota assholes, the D. A., and the Judge, for letting him out on a lowball bail, he goes to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, stalks, and then murders three people, Brenda Groene, 40, Mark McKenzie, 37, and Slade Groene, 13, and then kidnaps for his raping “pleasure” (sick) Dylan Groene, 9, and Shasta Groene, 8. Shitty Joe later murders Dylan in Montana.
            This Blog is dedicated in memory of:
MARK McKENZIE 1968-2005
SLADE GROENE 1992-2005
DYLAN GROENE 1997-2005 


I used to be at, but now I am changing focus. I'm still a liberal, and I went back to being a Democrat, because I like Obama. Stay tuned for more legal and political postings