This was at Alternet:
Glenn Beck To Fat People: ‘I Say Let Them Die’
Posted by igorvolsky on @ 5:38 amArticle printed from speakeasy: to article:
This post originally appeared on Think Progress.
Since First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled her Let’s Move! program to fight obesity, conservatives have portrayed the effort as a government assault on personal freedoms and liberties. After the administration released a report on obesity in May, Matt Drudge ran a headline saying, “White House seeks controls on food marketing” and on his Fox News show, Sean Hannity asked: “Does every American family need a dietitian appointed by the government to tell them that this food is going to make you fat and this food is not?” Yesterday, Glenn Beck joined the act, criticizing Michelle Obama for encouraging restaurants to “offer healthier versions of the foods that we all love.” He also joked that fat people should die:
BECK: When I heard this I thought, get your damn hands off my fries, lady. If I want to be a fat fat fatty and shovel French Fries all day long, that is my choice. But oh oh, not so fast anymore. Because now we have the new fact, whether you like it or not, we have government health care now. … You know those fat people sitting on their couches? And I mean really fat. I don’t mean not like me. I mean the people who’s skin grows into the couch. … I say let them die. I say punish the person who’s been bringing them the milk shakes that allowed them to eat and not get up off the couch. Am I too harsh?
Watch it:
Beck was being facetious, but obesity is, in fact, a killer. The Wonk Room examines the obesity epidemic and details what the White House plans to do about it. (H/T: MMFA)
I, Hank Ramey, am fat.
Beck reminds me of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy, the Republican Senator from Wisconsin. He died a miserable death. This was after he slandered thousands of people calling them Communists or simply "un-American".
Beck claims he's going to be "blind". Here's what I want to see done with that Glenn Goldenass Beck Asshole:
1. He can be mangled to death. After he dies, he WON'T be with his parents, wife, and kids. He will be running around naked in his psychological hell. After some torment, he asks God to help. Guess Who says, "I never knew thee"? It would be more than 1,000+ years before his Judgment Day.
2. He can be paralyzed and speechless. He'll be in an auto accident and be a quadlapegic. Each time he shits uncontrollably, he'll be unable to tell anybody he needs help. He'll be worse than what Martin Lawrence suffered in Runtledat.
3. He can be blind for real. Remember when Dan Rather was attacked? He wasn't blind, and was able to identify his attackers. Goldster Beck could be beaten severely while blind, but absent witnesses, could Beck do the same?
Beck is the ultimate, spineless, draft-dodging PUSSY! He needs to suffer like McCarthy. This bitch of a cunt doesn't deserve to be on the planet. If this is a Tea Party leader, it's 1933 in Germany again!
If cunts like Beck keep saying that fat people should die, Heaven have mercy on that PUSSY! If you want to see what pussies are, look at pictures of hanged Nazi War Criminals. Beck can join them!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
If Hitler ever invaded America, Christie from Delaware would have turned Jews to the Gestapo. Well, that Judas Cunt Traitor would have been taken out and either shot or hung from the highest tree! Sorry, but Anne Frank would have been a greater writer, a great actress, or even a great politician today. Her ashes sit among ruins outside of Hamburg, Germany because some Nazi Kraut Kunts thought that certain people were not human.
Anne Frank was an "illegal", and a 15-year old human being. There are girls her age who have dreams beyond our imaginations. Follow your dreams. CARPE DEIM! (And wait till you get married before getting pregnant.) Cunts like Palin, Angle, and Delaware Christie would put women back to being barefoot and pregnant with bruises. Anne didn't want to be a second-class woman like her mother and Mrs. Van Daan.
UPDATE (!!!): David Irving, the Nazi denier, wants to give tours of Auschwitz. Please pass this around, especially to BRITAIN (!). To Irving, have you watched the American and British films of the conditions of the concentration camps? Have you read the Nuremberg Trial Transcripts? The January 20, 1942 Conference at Wansee Transcripts? He also says that the Diary, kept by one Anneliese Marie Frank (See her pic above.), is a forgery. Anne's Diary has been verified as vaild true account by the Royal Dutch War Museum. Our Troops and the British did not fight Hitler and the Nazis solely for their health. Then-Princess Elizabeth didn't work as a Royal Army Mechanic solely for her health. In addition to the Jews being murdered by genocide, about a million British died due to serial bombing by the Nazis. I suggest for the sake of the Crown over there, that David Irving can shut the bloody fuck up, or join Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin in that awful, shitty, bloody hell that will be prepared for them after DEATH!
Anne Frank was an "illegal", and a 15-year old human being. There are girls her age who have dreams beyond our imaginations. Follow your dreams. CARPE DEIM! (And wait till you get married before getting pregnant.) Cunts like Palin, Angle, and Delaware Christie would put women back to being barefoot and pregnant with bruises. Anne didn't want to be a second-class woman like her mother and Mrs. Van Daan.
UPDATE (!!!): David Irving, the Nazi denier, wants to give tours of Auschwitz. Please pass this around, especially to BRITAIN (!). To Irving, have you watched the American and British films of the conditions of the concentration camps? Have you read the Nuremberg Trial Transcripts? The January 20, 1942 Conference at Wansee Transcripts? He also says that the Diary, kept by one Anneliese Marie Frank (See her pic above.), is a forgery. Anne's Diary has been verified as vaild true account by the Royal Dutch War Museum. Our Troops and the British did not fight Hitler and the Nazis solely for their health. Then-Princess Elizabeth didn't work as a Royal Army Mechanic solely for her health. In addition to the Jews being murdered by genocide, about a million British died due to serial bombing by the Nazis. I suggest for the sake of the Crown over there, that David Irving can shut the bloody fuck up, or join Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin in that awful, shitty, bloody hell that will be prepared for them after DEATH!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I love this song, and I also think that Sara Bareilles is sexee! However, this is my interpretation of "King of Anything". The ultimate person that can interpret "King of Anything" is Sara herself.
Now, my analysis:
Keep drinking coffee, stare me down across the table
While I look outside
So many things I’d say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by
It is apparent that Sara didn't want to be pigeonholed. Who wants to be? Nobody wanted to be defined as somebody they're not. It has unfortunately been that way for centuries. Name your group, and everybody defines others as something they're not.
You’ve got opinions, man
We’re all entitled to ‘em, but I never asked
So let me thank you for your time, and try not to waste anymore of mine
And get out of here fast
I hate to break it to you babe, but I’m not drowning
There’s no one here to save
Don't bother to save Sara. Don't bother to save anybody else by trying to be condescending, and think that your opinion is superior to anybody else.
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
This is clearly the tactics of sociopaths. There are still people in the record industry that feel that women are sex objects, dogs/bitches, play-things, people to be easily manipulated, etc. These same sons of bitches are the ones that encouraged her to write "Love Song". Women are your daughters, wives, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, etc. They gave birth to you. They changed your diapers, bathed you, fed you, clothed you, helped you with your homework, took you to school and to church, etc. John Mayer had a hit song years ago telling "fathers, be good to your daughters..." The ultimate sociopaths are O. J. Simpson, Phil Spector, Scott Peterson, Brian David Mitchell, Phillip Garrido, etc. It's because most men are not taught since birth that women are human beings that care, and also share a place with men in society. These assholes that are telling Sara to be somebody else couldn't cut it as a singer and/or a songwriter themselves. They think they know everything, but don't know shit. Humility is clearly absent in these assholes. "Who died and made you king of anything" is a variant of "who died and made you king" or "who died and made you God?" Of course this not limited to women-haters. The prisons are full of them, because they let it go to their heads, and they get caught. They're like the fictitious Gordon Gecko. Thousands of polticians are also like this, and it's because we are in too many wars, and the economy is in the toilet, because they play for the highest bidder instead of serving the people.
You sound so innocent, all full of good intent
Swear you know best
But you expect me to jump up on board with you
And ride off into your delusional sunset
"Delusional Sunset?" Who do I picture as that? Glenn "Vick's Under the Eyes" Beck interposed on a sun during a sunset. People like Beck are State Hospital patients.
I’m not the one who’s lost with no direction
But you’ll never see
You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps
You got the talking down, just not the listening
It reminds me of of the people who type in all caps thinking they know all the shit, but actually don't know shit. They're like the fake "experts" who think they know everything, but never studied the subject. They think they know everything because they think they're all shit. They are reverse King Midases, everything they touch turns to shit. Look at the United States since 1994.
And who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
All my life I’ve tried to make everybody happy
While I just hurt and hide
Waiting for someone to tell me it’s my turn to decide
I don't know why Sara had to "hurt and hide". This is certainly an issue only for her to disclose. This is certainly not just an issue over what song to write and perform. It goes back to the original premise that she didn't want to be pigoenholed and redefined as somebody she is not.
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
Let me hold your crown, babe.
What Sara is really saying is she has the record industry by the balls and dangling them from the high rise.
The entire song also has a political message. It tells these Tea Baggers that they can't demean and act against people who are different than you. The whole problem is that Tea Baggers are a bunch of sociopathic dumb stupid Nazi bunch of bull shitters clearly beholden to Corporate America. They want to ban Islam, deport all "Mexicans", keep workers unemployed where our jobs are shipped overseas for slave wages, gut our education system, and starve our seniors to death. SORRY! ALL AMERICANS WILL NOT JOIN THE GOP'S DELUSIONAL SUNSET! AMEN!
Watch Sara Bareilles - King of Anything Music Video here
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